Our Mission
Research Focus
Our research broadly encompasses the clinical and epidemiologic aspects of HIV/AIDS, particularly among minority and immigrant populations. We aim to combine phylogenetic methods with social network information to enable early HIV testing and accelerate linkage to care across North Carolina. Find out more about Dr. Dennis’s research by viewing her publications in the PubMed database.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Dennis research group is to develop and advance our understanding of public health interventions to promote the health of people at risk for or living with HIV. We strive to create an environment that values and includes people with diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences.
As a team, we are committed to creating a learning and working environment where individuals feel supported and invested in the research group mission. We are committed to fostering a team that treats all others, including patients, research participants and community members with kindness, dignity, and respect. Dr. Dennis is committed to this dynamic process as participant in the UNC School of Medicine’s DEI program.